Istanbul and China are Paved with Gold

09_12 07 tskbgd @ milliyet 07

TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Inc. General Manager Makbule Yönel Maya, who has stated that İstanbul has continued to bolster its position among world metropolises over the recent years, has noted that Istanbul also took its place in ‘city branding’ that is a world trend. Maya said, "When we look at the price increases over the last one year in Istanbul in general, the increase rate as of April 2016 is 18.73 percent according to the TCMB residence statistics. I absolutely believe that the main determinant in this increase is the continuity in the supply-demand balance. Our demographic and socio-economic data sustain the dynamism in the residential demand. The ongoing projects, urban transformation studies and construction works carried out on contractor basis in Istanbul still continue very actively. On the other hand, the increases in the construction costs and plot values are increasing the residential prices."

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