
Real Estate Valuation

In addition to bringing the interests of both the buyer and the seller together at the most feasible point, determining the accurate value is of critical importance in many areas from the reflection of the truth by the financial statements to the rational decisions of investors.

Collateral Valuation

We offer Collateral Valuation services as aimed to determine market value and lease value, to banks, financial leasing companies and private companies that award franchises.

Machinery - Equipment, Ship and Other Tangible Fixed Assets Valuation

In the valuation of Machinery-Equipment, Facility, Ship and Other Tangible Fixed Asset classes, we offer services by our competent and specialized staff, with our expertise arising from the experience and know-how of the Turkish Industrial Development Bank.

Highest and Best Use Analysis

We provide support in your project development process by comprehensive reports concerning the most efficient use of your real estates, in line with their legal, physical, financial features and market research.

Feasibility Analysis

Under the variable market conditions, it is very important for your real estate to meet your expectations with respect to cost and value, be sustainable and the investment to be feasible.

Market Research & Sector Analysis

We guide your investment decisions by our market researches that include information on the demographic and economic characteristics of the market where the investment will be located, supply and demand analyses aimed for real estate varieties such as residences and offices, and competitor analyses.

Tender Consultancy and Process Management

We support our experience in the field of real estate, which is one of the sectors that are subject to tender the most, by fiscal and financial analyses and offer consultancy services in your decisions for major investments.

Urban Transformation Consultancy

Within the scope of Urban Transformation, which is one of the most important subjects of both for today and the future, market value and betterment assessments are meticulously made by our specialized staff and allow this process, which involves multiple-parties, to be resolved more quickly.

Construction Progress and Investment Monitoring Consultancy

Monitoring the financing of loans, which are demanded for reasons such as project development, construction and renewal, with respect to the compatibility of the physical progress with the work schedule and the payments made at certain intervals, allows preventing potential risks.

Concept Development Consultancy

We contribute in the project development process by offering our recommendations concerning concept in shaping real estate projects, with a demand curve formed through detailed sector analyses, supply-demand examination and market researches.

Valuation Review

Through the Valuation Review, it is determined whether the results are compatible with the information contained in the reports prepared by other real estate valuation companies. With this service, we provide professional support by confirming that the valuation report has been prepared compatibly and correctly.

Green Valuation

TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Inc., which has realized yet another first in Turkey and started to offer valuation and consultancy services for ‘Green Building’ investments as of 2012, employs LEED Green Associate certified employees who are informed on green buildings and are competent in green building certification on its staff.

Real Estate Appraisal for Citizenship

In the scope of the “Regulation for Amending the Regulation on the Implementation of Turkish Citizenship Law”, we appraise your real properties independently and impartially within the framework of international standards and current laws and bylaws considering the legal, economic and physical condition and income potential.   

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